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Leander Trophy

by linda last modified 2024-04-06T10:49:39+13:00
Winner of National R Class Skiff Championship
Leander Trophy Leander Trophy The crest mounted on a kauri cenotaph was presented by P. Leslie Smith, who served on H.M.N.Z.S. Leander and bought the Crest home from Boston U.S.A. where Leander went for extensive repairs after damage by enemy action at Kula Gulf in the Coral Sea. The crest was from the stoker deck and the cenotaph was made by Ernie Rountree.

The trophy was dedicated at the first Leander Trophy presentation in 1951 by Revd W.M. Hendrie Naval Chaplain: "In proud and honoured memory of those New Zealanders who made the supreme sacrifice while serving in His Majesty's ships 1939-45".

Previous Winners

Year No. Boat Skipper Crew Squadron Venue
1951 R16 Petite E. Rountree J. Douglas Canterbury Christchurch
1952 R31 Hectic D. Harrison W. Harrison Canterbury Pleasant Point
1953 R31 Hectic C. Papps B. Taylor Canterbury Charteris Bay
1954 R39 Gesture P. Mander J. Nicholson Canterbury Lyttelton
1955 R39 Gesture W. Nicholson J. Nicholson Canterbury Christchurch
1956 R46 Salaam P. Mander J. Cropp Canterbury Lyttelton
1957 R38 Impulse G. Mander D. Mander Canterbury Lyttelton
1958 R46 Salaam P. Mander J. Cropp Canterbury Evans Bay
1959 R120 Frenzy G. Mander J. Cropp Canterbury Tamaki
1960 R163 Chamois G. Gibbs C. Dalziell Wellington Lyttelton
1961 R163 Chamois H. Poole R. Spearman Wellington Tamaki
1962 R163 Chamois G. Gibbs C. Dalziell Wellington Worser Bay
1963 R120 Frenzy G. Mander A. Holland Canterbury Dunedin
1964 R220 Fantastic G. Cooke C. Cooke Canterbury New Plymouth
1965 R120 Frenzy G. Mander A. Holland Canterbury Lyttelton
1966 R283 Unique G. Cooke C. Cooke Canterbury Whangarei
1967 R283 Unique G. Cooke C. Cooke Canterbury Evans Bay
1968 R235 Heather B. Kernott Brian Strahan Auckland Manukau
1969 R235 Heather B. Kernott Brian Strahan Auckland Dunedin
1970 R298 Mirage M. Pinkney T. Brandon Wellington Picton
1971 R354 Star B. Vallely G. Moss Auckland Pt.Chevalier
1972 R370 Ezy Rider D. Gardner R. Palmer Whangarei Timaru
1973 R385 Reaction M. Pinkney T. Brandon Wellington Wellington
1974 R416 Freedom Express A. Knowles D. Haswell Wellington Bay of Islands
1975 R417 Pagan J. Rountree P. Townsend Canterbury Lyttelton
1976 Contest Abandoned       Worser Bay
1977 R416 Freedom Express M. Calkoen P. De Lisle Wellington Waitemata
1978 R463 Foolish Pleasure M. Pinkney M. Julian Wellington Timaru
1979 R462 Flash R I. Jackson N. Jackson Canterbury Plimmerton
1980 R473 Hard Rain P. Macintosh S. Macintosh Canterbury Whangarei
1981 R483 Hard Rain Mk.II P. Macintosh S. Macintosh Canterbury Port Chalmers
1982 R483 Hard Rain Mk.II P. Macintosh S. MacIntosh Canterbury Worser Bay
1983 R485 C.K. & U.W. J. Jones G. Watson Auckland Auckland
1984 R510 Bomb R M. Berry G.TaylorSmith Wellington Lyttelton
1985 R485 C.K. & U.W. M. Calkoen R. Bryint Wellington Worser Bay
1986 R507 Growler P. Macintosh S. MacIntosh Canterbury Auckland
1987 R530 U Boat K. Holland T. Johnson Canterbury Port Chalmers
1988 R485 Y Worry J. Askew T. Crew Wellington Worser Bay
1989 R539 Totally Wired S. Hogg B. Linton Wellington Lyttelton
1990 R483 Hard Rain Mk.II M. Berry K. Radersma Wellington Waitangi
1991 R483 Hard Rain Mk.II M. Berry K. Radersma Wellington Worser Bay
1992 R551 Acid Rock P. Macintosh S. Macintosh Canterbury Lyttelton
1993 R560 VDO Instruments P. Macintosh K. Fyfe Auckland Auckland
1994 R560 VDO Instruments P. Macintosh K. Fyfe Auckland Wellington
1995 R565 Apple Computer J. Bowman S. Macintosh Canterbury Lyttelton
1996 R560 Design Source P. Macintosh K. Fyfe Auckland Auckland
1997 R560 Design Source P. Macintosh K. Fyfe Auckland Wellington
1998 R560 Design Source P. Airey K. Fyfe Auckland Lyttelton
1999 R583 C Tech Alex Vallings Andrew Meikeljohn Auckland Point Jerningham (Wlg)
2000 R582 Chemical Weapon Sean Milner Steve MacIntosh Canterbury Lyttelton
2001 R583 Smit Millar Alex Vallings Andrew Meikeljohn Auckland Auckland (ASC)
2002 R592 Design Source Steve MacIntosh Kenny Fyfe Auckland Wellington (RPNYC)
2003 R581 Stagecoach Steve Hogg Neill Wood Wellington Lyttelton (NPCL)
2004 R596 Signature Homes Skiff Racing Chris Skinner Chris Holland Auckland Auckland (ASC)
2005 R583 Nuplex Alex Vallings Lyn Holland Auckland Wellington (WBBC)
2006 R602 Martin Hughes Paul MacIntosh Kenny Fyfe Auckland Lyttelton (NPCL)
2007 R603 L3 Sean Milner Dan Leech Canterbury Auckland (ASC)
2008 R603 L3 Sean Milner Dan Leech Canterbury Lyttelton (NPCL)
2009 R603 L3 Sean Milner Dan Leech Canterbury Wellington (WBBC)
2010 R607 TheVirtual Paul Roe Dan Leech Canterbury Lyttelton (NPCL)
2011 Contest Abandoned         Auckland (ASC)
2012 R603 L3 Sean Milner Dan Leech Canterbury Lyttelton (NPCL)
2013 R603 L3 Sean Milner Dan Leech Canterbury Lyttelton (NPCL)
2014 R609 Massive Attack Nick James Doug Gale Canterbury Lyttelton (NPCL)
2015 R607 TheVirtual Paul Roe Malcolm Snowdon Canterbury Lyttelton (NPCL)
2016 R607 TheVirtual Paul Roe Malcolm Snowdon Canterbury Lyttelton (NPCL)
2017 R565 92 More FM Steve MacIntosh Tony Park Canterbury Lyttelton (NPCL)
2018 R607 TheVirtual Paul Roe Malcolm Snowdon Canterbury Lyttelton (NPCL)
2019 R607 TheVirtual Paul Roe Malcolm Snowdon Canterbury Lyttelton (NPCL)
2020 R607 TheVirtual Paul Roe Malcolm Snowdon Canterbury Lyttelton (NPCL)
2021 R607 TheVirtual Paul Roe Malcolm Snowdon Canterbury Lyttelton (NPCL)
2022 R607 TheVirtual Paul Roe Malcolm Snowdon Canterbury Lyttelton (NPCL)
2023 R607 TheVirtual Paul Roe Malcolm Snowdon Canterbury Lyttelton (NPCL)
2024 R607 TheVirtual Paul Roe Malcolm Snowdon Canterbury Lyttelton (NPCL)