You are here: Home Leander Trophy Leander 2023 - NPCL, Lyttelton Harbour

Leander 2023 - NPCL, Lyttelton Harbour

by rclass last modified 2023-02-23T21:13:35+13:00
73nd Leander Trophy National R Class Skiff championship, 16-19 February 2023.

An unbiased and accurate account from the seasoned and uncalloused forward hand of Asti.

This year the Leander trophy was competed for by three nations, Germany, Team USA and Team New Zealand. With the contest held locally in New Zealand shortly before Sail GP, the most potent team represented was team New Zealand with six boats. Team USA was the most consistent performer throughout the competition, with three DNC’s, one DNF and three DFL’s nailed to the mast. The exciting news from Team USA’s skipper, Captain Ben, was his announcing “I am coming out” while we were flying the kite downwind toward the port of Lyttelton. I was forewarned by the rainbow t-shirt Captain Ben was sporting before donning the skin-tight, figure-hugging apparel on launching.

Pub Charity Limited Logo

Thursdays racing was postponed due to the tail end of Cyclone Gabrielle. So competition started on Friday, in light airs, alternatively sucking and blowing like most of the transom ballast throughout the competition. The outstanding performances and serious displays of skill were all conducted at the sharp end of the boats while ignoring the whining from the stern. Swallows and Amazons style shown at the start line 1 by the famous sharp ender Peggy (nee Tim) and Captain Nancy (nee Ross). Throughout the competition, these were the only two consistently at the start line, on time, when the start gun went, every race, and Nancy kept the wake beautifully straight. Well done, “Swallows and Amazons forever" 2.

L3 - R603 - Jessica Lee and Vaughan Snowdon SprintsNZ team of five million leader Jessica was kind and positive, yet merciless, following Vaughan around the course for a solid third place overall. Vaughan, not wanting to steal the limelight for himself let his brother Malcolm cox the ancient Paul as they Row(ed) around to take a Virtual first overall and the Leander Trophy (again).

No competition is complete without a Gale making a Massive Attack on the contest. Doug got Nick across the line for a lime green finish in second overall. The Holder of fourth place goes to Pete who took a circle of constant longitude passing through a given place on the earth's surface and the terrestrial poles 3 line to get the ancient mariner David, his Pairman, home.

Chemical Weapon was a constant threat over the fleet but a Massive Attack in race three halted their advance in their best race. Aaron did what he could with James for fifth overall.

Once again we were facing a (Grayr) German tank driven by a Mac but we all know it was Luke in charge from the start (who’s your father Luke? - I think you'll find its one of the Tonys - Ed.). The Germans have promised many tanks but we only got one, no wonder they were sixth. Steve famously never gave up and performed some hair-raising manoeuvres to keep the tank upright, refusing to swim with the rest of us.

Chivalry prevailed and we let Amelia lead the hairball James round in front of us in consideration that they were handicapped by having the worst trolley imaginable handing them a handsome seventh overall.

  1. Swallows and Amazons is Ross’ Young 88 and the start boat for the Leander.
  2. The cry of the Walker crew of Swallow.
  3. Meridian

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Sprint Report 2023

R565 - GreyR - Luke Walker Youth Champion 2023 presented by Doug Gale
L3 - R603 - Jessica Lee and Vaughan Snowdon Leander Cup Handicap Trophy 2023
After throwing the sacrificial R’s in at the club the pathetic survivors (Asti), too disabled to sail, limped over to the glitzy area getting developed for SailGP next month.

I arrived in time to hear Camp Mum, Linda, giving the SailGP officials a bollocking for standing in front of the camera while she was filming the main event for the region, for the year; the Leander Sprints.

Commentary for the Sprints was ably provided by Sean-the-boy who had overcome his fear of assured frustration, spectating not sailing. Unfortunately the live commentary was not recorded but went something like:

“FFS, what are they doing? Nobody is powered up, crank on some kicker you muppets. FFS, nobody is pointing, or working the main. See that tug, that is the new one, it’s not nearly as good as the old Blackadder. See Elon is going to use the new batteries that don’t use lithium and will last one million miles, Jesus, they will be at the bottom mark before they get the kite set, I can’t decide whether to build a radical foiling R or just buy a Nash Wing Surfer, I think Paul’s got him there, Steve’s having a good uphill this time, I wanted to sail this contest but didn’t get things organised, that's a good tack, are you cold Jacqueline, I’ve got a jacket in the car, f%&k, I can’t stand this, they are always slow to set, going to be interesting at the bottom mark, that used to be a good boat..."

All of the girls on the sideline seemed impressed and shouted things like “go Daddy!”, the roar of the crowd, which outnumbered those on the water, lost in the unusually warm easterly making a fantastic day for all.

Special thanks, as always, goes to the fantastic Race Management team and the Volunteers. With more Tony's (5) than Broadway it was always going to be another excellent contest:
Ross May
Tony Taylor
Graham Williams
Kees Tabac
Tony Park
Tim Allan
Tony Carrabes
Tony Lee
Tony Walker
Bruce on shore base

Leander 2023 Final Results

    Boat Skipper Crew Total Points Place Points Place Points Place Points Place Points Place Points Place Points Place Points
1   607 - The Virtual Paul Roe Malcolm Snowdon 611.111 6 44.444 1 100 3 66.667 1 100 1 100 1 100 1 100
2   609 - Massive Attack Nick James Doug Gale 523.81 1 100 3 66.667 1 100 3 66.667 3 66.667 3 66.667 4 57.143
3   603 - L3 Jessica Lee Vaughan Snowdon 464.762 3 66.667 2 80 4 57.143 4 57.143 2 80 4 57.143 3 66.667
4   589 - Merde David Pairman Peter Holder 450 2 80 7 40 7 40 2 80 5 50 2 80 2 80
5   582 - Chemical Weapon James Collett Aaron Jeffries 376.032 5 50 4 57.143 2 80 5 50 6 44.444 5 50 6 44.444
6   565 - GrayR Steve MacIntosh Luke Walker 348.73 4 57.143 5 50 5 50 7 40 4 57.143 6 44.444 5 50
7   600 - L2 James Maynard Amelia Collins 293.333 7 40 6 44.444 6 44.444 6 44.444 7 40 7 40 7 40


  567 - RaptR Ben Jannis Phillip Royds 127.273 DNC 0 DNC 0 DNC 0 DNF 18.182 8 36.364 8 36.364 8



Leander 2023 Sprint Series Results

Boat Skipper Crew Total Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Race 5
607 - The Virtual Paul Roe Malcolm Snowdon 7 1 3 1 1 1
609 - Massive Attack Nick James Doug Gale 15 4 2 2 3 4
603 - L3 Jessica Lee Vaughan Snowdon 15 2 1 5 5 2
589 - Merde David Pairman Peter Holder 20 3 4 6 4 3
565 - GrayR Steve MacIntosh Luke Walker 22 5 5 3 2 7
582 - Chemical Weapon James Collett Aaron Jeffries 27 6 6 4 6 5
600 - L2 James Maynard Amelia Collins 34 7 7 7 7 6

Special thanks for funding from Pub Charity Limited.