You are here: Home Leander Trophy Leander 2002 - Pt Jerningham, Wellington Leander 2002 / 12 ft skiff Interdominions Programme

Leander 2002 / 12 ft skiff Interdominions Programme

by linda last modified 2004-05-21T20:46:19+13:00
Racing programme for the R Class Skiff National Contest and the 12 ft skiff Interdominions.

R Class Skiff Leander Trophy 2002 and 12 ft Skiff Interdominion Programme.

This years Leander will be followed immediately by the 12 ft skiff interdominions.

Provisional programme

Leander Trophy (January 21 - 24)

  • Mon 21st - Invite race am then Races 1 and 2 in the pm
  • Tue 22nd - Races 3, 4, and 5
  • Wed 23rd - Races 6, 7, and 8 If completed then Prize Giving that night ...
  • Thu 24th - SuperCup Sprint Series (Lunchtime @ Pt Jerningham) and any re-sails that are necessary.
  • Kenny Fyfe's 50th

12 ft Skiff Interdominions (January 25 - February 3)

  • Fri 25th - Invite race (Mk Foy - limit boat approx 5pm) Harbour Course
  • Sat 26th - Race Day
  • Sun 27th - Race Day
  • Mon 28th - Lay Day (re-sails if req')
  • Tue 29th - Race Day
  • Wed 30th - Race Day
  • Thu 31st - Lay Day (re-sails if req')
  • Fri 1st - Race Day
  • Sat 2nd - Race Day and Victory Night Party
  • Sun 3rd - Prize Giving Lunch

The plan is to run at least 10 races. A mix of laid courses and harbour courses.