You are here: Home Leander Trophy Leander 2001 - ASC, Oraki Bay, Auckland 15/4/2001 3rd race day of Leander 2001

15/4/2001 3rd race day of Leander 2001

by linda last modified 2004-05-21T20:45:55+13:00
Racing on day three of the 2001 Leander

Day 3

Conditions: F&P; Smartdrive 1 - Lace Panties. Wind 3+/=2kts. Tide - unreasonable

Race 5

The race committee set an ambitious first beat resulting in a timeout abandonment before the first mark! A mixed blessing for the rest of the fleet with Stechy 50m from the mark...... Lunch... followed by dithering.

Lunchtime Entertainment

Spectacular bike jumps into the marina from a jury rigged OSH approved launch ramp provided excitment for all. Sorry about the shades Gannet.

Race 6

Eventually the race committee had a brainwave, and realised they could set a mark, allowing us to get beat in without exceeding the time limit. Good Call! Three Canterbury boats fought over the first lap while ASC did well to be the top AKL boat around the first mark. Smit Millar chugged through the fleet and caught the leading bunch finishing second. Chemical Weapon won comfortably with Meridian third. Have Subwoofer (fourth) finally got their act together?

1F&P; - Fisher & Paykel. New Zealand washing machine manufacturer.