Leander 1999 Pictures https://www.rclass.org/leander/1999/pictures https://www.rclass.org/@@site-logo/logoLong.png Leander 1999 Pictures by paul — last modified 2006-03-15T16:45:34+13:00 The Virtual Marina (Blue Zoo) Paul de Lisle and Richard Dreverman Sprint Race - Witchdoctor (Dave Pairman and Tim Allen) from too far away... Sprint Race - Total Trust (Sally and a ring-in crew) Sprint Race Start - C Tech (Alex Vallings and Andrew Meikeljohn), Dimension Polyant and AMI Insurance (Conan Hunt and Michael) Between Sprints - Tim Bartlett doing something we don't often see! Sprint Race - Dirty Dancing (Paul Roe (ring-in skipper) and Tony Park Dimension Polyant - Tim Bartlett and Brett Gray
Leander 1999 Pictures https://www.rclass.org/leander/1999/pictures https://www.rclass.org/@@site-logo/logoLong.png Leander 1999 Pictures by paul — last modified 2006-03-15T16:45:34+13:00 The Virtual Marina (Blue Zoo) Paul de Lisle and Richard Dreverman Sprint Race - Witchdoctor (Dave Pairman and Tim Allen) from too far away... Sprint Race - Total Trust (Sally and a ring-in crew) Sprint Race Start - C Tech (Alex Vallings and Andrew Meikeljohn), Dimension Polyant and AMI Insurance (Conan Hunt and Michael) Between Sprints - Tim Bartlett doing something we don't often see! Sprint Race - Dirty Dancing (Paul Roe (ring-in skipper) and Tony Park Dimension Polyant - Tim Bartlett and Brett Gray