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Canterbury Squadron AGM Report

by linda last modified 2004-05-22T01:06:07+13:00
After last nights AGM we have a new Commodore and Secretary/Treasurer

The retiring Commodore, Sean Milner, tabled his Commodores Comment for the 2000/2001 season.

And outgoing Secretary/Treasurer, Steve Macintosh presented his final balance sheets.

Annual election of officers was held:

Officers for the 2001/2002 Season

Commodore Tim Allan
Vice Commodore Bevan Hussey
Secretary/Treasurer Cheryl McGibbon
Publicity Bevan Hussey & Dan Wise
Measurer Dave Pairman & Lance Smith
Racing Secretary Paul Roe

Thanks to Sean and Steve for all their work as Commodore and Secretary over the last few years.

A special thanks to Tim for shouting a round of handles to celebrate the arrival of young Finn .