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6 October 2001 NPC Racing

by linda last modified 2004-05-21T20:49:25+13:00
Drama at the NPC - 6 October 2001

Well saturday's here and that means 2 races at Lyttelton with the wind blowing a good 20 knots but later dying off.


Six boats lined up for the start: Meridian Energy, Montana Bakery,Chemical Weapon,Liquid,Subwoofer and Gryphon. Round the top mark saw Meridian,Liquid and chemical but the weapon decided to hit its targret under full power the target being the water with the most spectacular cartwheel of the season. The Monatana boys saying it would be a good 9 out of 10 . On with the racing, 3 times round the top mark and to the finish with Meridian 1st Montana 2nd Chemical 3rd and Subwoofer 4th with Gryphon and Liquid pulling out. Chris sailing on liquid said it was too fast for him and would just stick to his wind surfer. Gryphon thought they were to over-powered and decided to rip the main in at least 2 places.

Race 2

The wind dropped of a couple of knots and only 3 boats started. Montana,Chemical,and Meridian round the first mark and kites up and mission control we have lift off but the Montana boys had countdown problems and capsized letting Chemical through. The course was the same as the first race, 3 times round the top mark, once round the bottom mark Chemical snuck through into first then Meridian 2nd and Monatana with some capsizing problems in 3rd

obviously the Chemical crew (ie Hubba Bubba) decided to have a better race and lead nearly to the finish but as the wind dropped off the power came on aboard Meridian energy and they snuck through for a close first place with the Chemical only boat lengths behind, the Montana boys having promblems with their flour and water mixing took out third place.

We would also like to thank the Naval Point Club for setting a course long enough to actually get in the foot straps downwind.