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Milner and MacIntosh - Canterbury Dinghy Sailors of the Year

by rclass last modified 2006-02-08T08:27:03+13:00
This years Mander Trust Dinner was held at the Gondola on 16th June 2000

June 19, 2000

Much to their surprise Sean Milner and Steve MacIntosh (Chemical Weapon) were the winners of the Canterbury Dinghy Sailors of the Year Award for their achievement in winning the 50th Leander Trophy Contest. The 50th Leander was a finalist for the Contest of the Year and the Reunion Dinner a finalist for the Event of the Year.

During the dinner, Joan Mander recounted having heard 3 days prior to the awards a replay of an interview Peter Mander gave on returning to NZ after winning the 1956 Olympics in the Sharpie. He was asked what he planned doing now he was back home "get back into sailing my R Class" was his reply.

Steve said he'd been sailing the R's for 30 years (no doubt surprising some) and kept his interest through the class continually keeping pace with technology.

He said "It is fitting the R Class has won the award since the Manders had such an influence and input into the R Class. Peter was one of the early members of the R Class owners association (the first group of its type in NZ) which has allowed the Class to weather the lean times. Now we're in a buoyant period being one of the largest senior classes in Canterbury. We maybe haven't had the recognition in the past, but now with skiff sailing in the Olympic programme we're coming of age." He accepted the award on behalf of the R Class squadron who have kept the class alive and made the contest possible.

For some historical R Class Information - see R Class goes National.