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The 'Weapon Takes Leander

by rclass last modified 2006-02-08T08:33:08+13:00
Sean and Steve took out the Jubilee Contest

March 2000

See the Leander 2000 Contest Site for details.

Good Turnout After Leander

Usually the immediate weekend after the Leander has a particularly feeble turnout. This year we had seven boats, and a couple of enjoyable races. VR, for the second time in two weeks, headed home under jib having bent the mast 1m below the hounds - the boys were not happy. After the race a few of the lads went round to see Dan Leech's new mould at Diamond Harbour. Jason took a few pictures, so as soon as he gets them developed we'll put them up maybe even with some comments. John Morgan has taken the existing Woof shape and slightly altered it, with a more rounded transom and a bit of rocker.

New Boats????

Rumours are rife... will Chappy and Nelly, and Pete and Tony build new boats. Will they build a woof or one off Dans mould??? Dan is off to Australia for a couple of months before starting on his boat. Seems the Custard Square will be superceded by a new boat as well, maybe the Napolean Square? What are Jason and Paul from VR up to??? Will the Buster boys upgrade?? These are some of the questions needing answers.

In an interview with Nick Tolerton from the Christchurch Star, Tony Park and Pete Hoskins (Dirty Dancing), confirmed that they are looking at a new boat, as they're feeling a bit off the pace and reckon "We've got another boat in us!".