End of Season Event...Prizegiving
May 2000
Sean Milner and Steve MacIntosh (Chemical Weapon) won the Pegasus Crest and South Island Championships. Steve Fortune (Acid Rock) was this seasons Most improved Crew, Steve and Dan Leech also won the Canterbury Championship Handicap Trophy. Gryphon's Walter Worthington and Tony Park are South Island Handicap Champions.
Dave Pairman and Tim Allan accepted the Down The Mine Trophy for their brilliant piece of work - "Cartwheel Core Sample". Meridian Energy succeeded in cartwheeling in a particularly strong southerly and obtaining a sample of mud from the bottom of the harbour with their prod. No damage was done. But Dave did keep further back for the rest of the day.
One of the most prestigous trophies is the Lest We Forget Trophy, being for the boat that sustained the most (or best) damage. Walter Worthington and Philip Royds on Gryphon were runners up for - Breaking Mast While Rigging", but Virtual Reality's Paul Roe and Jason Russell were convincing winners with "Starboard Boat with kite vs Port Tack Boats". Paul emotionally accepted the trophy thanking "the Sailing NZ Crew and B3D for making it all possible".
We had planned to have some photos of the event, but someone (who is off to be our foreign correspondent in Europe) forgot the camera. Speaking of which, we should be having some stories from our lads stationed around the world fairly soon. Daniel Wise is off to the USA for six months, Kent Brownlee is in New Guinea on contract, Walter is working in the UK for a year or so and Andrew 'Mugbean' McMillan is in london. It'll be interesting having some first-hand R Class views on whats sailed and why.
An excellent supper catered by Paul MacGibbon from Sydenham Bakery rounded out an enjoyable evening. Thanks to our M.C. Dan (Wise) for organising the awards.