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Subwoofer wins Parson's Rock marathon

by doug — last modified 2006-08-26T09:03:51+13:00
Paul and Jess steal lead to win race
Another great turnout and ideal conditions with just about the whole fleet out for 2 races.

We decided to run todays long races as an optional handicap with slower boats being able to hoist kites as soon as the first boat reached the top mark. This helps to even out the fleet and the quick boats really have to work hard downhill to catch up by the bottom mark. Usually the fleet is bunched back up just before the bottom mark, making for some close mark roundings. Its a great way to get some of the new crews involved in close quarter battles with the top boats.
R Class skiff hull shapes - International Rope Braids (L2), Nuplex Davie Norris (L3), Subwoofer (Woof), Woof (Bulley Hayes), More FM (modified Woof)
All rigged and ready to go

International Rope Braids, Steve MacIntosh and Doug Gale starting well and leading up the first beat, hounded closely by Subwoofer, Paul Roe and Jess Hix and Bulley Hayes. Dan Folter and Paul MacGibbon (Bulley Hayes) were going well, but had a quick swim, after breaking a trapeze wire, allowing Subwoofer through. International Rope Braids and Subwoofer rounded Parsons Rock and then proceeded to attempt to haul in the rest of the fleet who all had turned round at the same time and hoisted their kites. International Rope Braids went right after Bulley Hayes (Dan Folter and Paul MacGibbon) and More FM (Rick Chapman and Grant Nelson) who all found good breeze by the container terminal. Subwoofer went down the middle and lost out slightly, but the fleet bunched up well by the bottom mark.
International Rope Braids again leading up the beat. Subwoofer had good speed and worked their way through the fleet getting back in touch with Steve and Doug by the top mark. International Rope Braids lead round the mark, hoisted their kite, and promptly capsized as Doug had abandoned ship as the boat accelerated suddenly in a gust. Subwoofer, pleased to he handed the lead, however had their own problems, as somehow in the kite hoist the outhaul had managed to wrap around the end of the prod stopping the kite from setting properly. This wasn't going to be too much of a problem until the bottom mark, however it was slow.
By the bottom mark International Rope Braids had closed the gap to 50m. Subwoofer opted for an early drop in case the kite wouldn't come in. Fortunately it dropped nicely although just round the mark they ran over some weed, allowing International Rope Braids to haul them in all the way up the short lead to the finish. In the end there was only a metre in it with Subwoofer leading over the line. Jess had a quick swim to the end of the prod to untangle things. Meanwhile Chappie and Nellie had ripped their kite and Bulley Hayes had broken their jib cleat leading to both of them retiring. Sean and Sutter on Nuplex Davie Norris also retired.
International Rope Braids
had a brain fade and forgot about the second race and also went in. Race control asked them if they were retiring which they weren't so they went back out again, but Subwoofer had already got bored and raced of f up the course for some more runs in the excellent breeze.

Liquid's Mitch and Mike, attempting a nomination for the Lest We Forget Trophy, had a run in with a powerboat, crewed by people oblivious to even the most rudimentary boating rules. The guys managed to each leap through a sail and break a tiller extension avoiding the collision

Off the water, Chappie and Nellie amused us all with talk of their supposedly upcoming retirement and tales of bygone contests, some of it was even true!
Chappie keeps the troops amused at post race drinks, Jess, Paul and Steve