You are here: Home Season News 2005 - 2006 Season Canterbury "Big-R Hard-R Fast-R" Squadron Prizegiving

Canterbury "Big-R Hard-R Fast-R" Squadron Prizegiving

by rclass last modified 2006-09-04T17:59:42+13:00
Great evening, good fun and food.
Just about everyone managed to make it, meaning that the Jack Flash group dining area was filled to the brim. Walter in keeping with the stature of the event wore the classic Leander '93 Big R Hard R Fast R T Shirt.

South Island Championships
Nuplex Davie Norris
Sean Milner and Dan Leech
South Island Championships Handicap TrophyLiquid
Mitch Dean and Tony Park
Canterbury Championships
Meridian Energy
Dave Pairman and Tim Allan
Canterbury Championships Handicap Trophy
Paul Roe and Jess Hix
Harry Blanchard Trophy
Meridian Energy
Dave Pairman and Tim Allan
Pegasus Crest
Nuplex Davie Norris
Sean Milner and Dan Leech
J B Simpson Crew Trophy

Jess Hix
Lest We Forget
Bulley Hayes
Danny Folter and Paul MacGibbon

Jess and Dave and the Canterbury Championship Trophy Paul and Dan