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Another Action Packed Day's Racing At Naval Point

by doug — last modified 2006-02-27T13:06:00+13:00
In the best turnout of local R Class boats for some time, there was drama a plenty in the blustery conditons last Saturday.
Things R-Class since Christmas appear to be shaping up to what looks like a classic season. "Almost like the old  days" commented one seasoned campaigner, where you picked a nice a spot for a bit of swimming in the "gybe mark graveyard". Maybe not, but yet again conditions at LLitteltonserved up an opportunity for exciting racing and in a class where a few seconds  makes a huge difference, there were the inevitable casualties.
Joshua and Daniel Hughes R567

The day started well with probably the best turnout of boats for the season with 9 boats. Brothers Joshua and Daniel Hughes who have taken over Pork Sword (sorry guy's if you've renamed the boat you should let us know) were there to give it another outing and are looking like a keen and competent team.

Jamie White and Michael Rhodes R509 Crack R
Equally impressive was the effort made by Mike Rhodes  and  Jamie White, currently campaigning CrackR (now that's a sight that brings back fond memories to the geriatric ward) who drove all the way up from Timaru for the outing. Well done lads. In these days of carbon fibre everything, it is easy to overlook the fact that sailing R's is about making your boat go faster, and that has more to do with the attitude of the sailors not the age of the boat.