You are here: Home Season News 2004 - 2005 Season Saturday 9th April. Naval Point. R-Class & 3.7, 10.30 – 5pm!

Saturday 9th April. Naval Point. R-Class & 3.7, 10.30 – 5pm!

by rclass last modified 2005-04-11T18:34:58+13:00
As we heard the rain on the roof in the early hours of the Saturday morning we thought “great, we can stay in bed”. No Way, this was a day to be out on a trapeze in a 3.7 and an R-class.

3.7 Subwoofer

At 10.30 we arrived in Lyttelton thinking that it would be all over by lunch time. No Way, we couldn’t get them off the water; to make matters worse they kept sailing way out into the distance, well out of reach the little blighters! Thanks to Kevin Holland, John Kennett and Trevor George for being so understanding, for shivering for six hours in the cold as they watched their boats disappear yet again, and for forfeiting their own afternoon race so our bunch of eight could continue to “hang out”.

3.7 Subwoofer

Suitably impressed with your skill level and keenness were Paul & Paul from the R-class. We were impressed with their patience and tolerance as they had to stay out until everyone had a turn. Bet they didn’t realize it was going to be 5pm! Subwoofer and Bully Hayes were in hot demand as the slipway was churned up with the next exuberant sailor racing to clamber aboard for a thrill.

Thanks Kevin, John, Trevor, Paul, and Paul for giving up your day.

( It was only going to be a morning!)

Bully Hayes and Subwoofer Subwoofer

Bully Hayes Bully Hayes

What are we doing next weekend?

Photos and story courtesy Joanne Glassford