25th June at Naval Point Club Lyttelton. Club opens 7pm, Awards presntation from 7.30pm.
2009 - 2010 Season
Come help the Canterbury R Class Squadron buy their shipping container by coming to the Extreme Quiz night, 7pm, 27th June at Elevate Bar, 2 Colombo Street
Consistent racing from Steve MacIntosh and Tony Park has earned them the 2009 Canterbury Champs crown. Points were close at the top, but they showed that outright pace isn't everything. They won the series over two Saturdays at Charteris Bay and NPCL.
October finally put on some decent Saturday weather. Almost all the fleet turned up and a variable 13kts NE made for some nice early season sailing.
Four boats ventured out on the first weekend of the season (26/27 Sept 2009). This season is looking promising, new crews, several more foilers on the water shortly with more to come.
Races start 1pm
60th Leander Trophy
Short course racing over two days for the coveted Pegasus crest.
First official day of the season
Photos from events throughout the season