2016 - 2017 Canterbury Championship
by rclass
last modified
Charteris Bay Yacht Club 2016 REGATTA & CHAMPIONSHIP WEEKEND SPONSORED BY Luney Developments
- https://www.rclass.org/seasons/2016/2016-2017-canterbury-championship
- 2016 - 2017 Canterbury Championship
- 2016-12-10T10:30:00+13:00
- 2016-12-10T15:30:00+13:00
- Charteris Bay Yacht Club 2016 REGATTA & CHAMPIONSHIP WEEKEND SPONSORED BY Luney Developments
- When Dec 10, 2016 from 10:30 AM to 03:30 PM (Pacific/Auckland / UTC1300)
- Where Charteris Bay Yacht Club
- Contact Name Doug Gale
- Add event to calendar iCal
Sailing instructions will be available at Registration in the CBYC clubhouse and from the Charteris Bay Public Slip on Saturday.
Registration from 0900, Briefing 1030 Saturday.
RClass is Saturday only Races 1-3 of the scheduled six races.
Racing scheduled to start: 1130
Entry Fees:R Class $20.00
Food and Refreshments will be available at the Club House each day.
BBQ & Prizegiving will follow after racing on Sunday.
Please Contact Doug if you are attending so we can let CBYC know numbers.