You are here: Home Season News 2006 - 2007 Season P, Startling, 420 Youth open day 29 April

P, Startling, 420 Youth open day 29 April

by rclass last modified 2007-04-29T22:17:29+13:00
R Class, 3.7 and 420 open day. You've seen the 3.7's, R's and 420's racing around why not have a go yourself.
  • What Open Day
  • When Apr 29, 2007 from 12:00 AM to 04:45 AM (UTC / UTC0)
  • Where NPCL
  • Add event to calendar iCal
If you're keen contact us or the P or Startling secretary so we've got an idea of numbers and can organise enough boats. We're planning on sailing on either 28 or 29 April depending on the weather.