Have a go Try out an R Class We can only offer rides in New Zealand, our season runs over the NZ summer, October through to March. We cannot guarantee a ride and we reserve the right to withdraw our offer for safety, availability or other reasons. Full Name E-Mail Sailing Experience None Trailer Yacht/Keeler Single handed dinghy Double handed dinghy Catamaran Skiff Location We can arrange rides in Christchurch Wellington Auckland Otago Comments Please give us some idea of your experience, general fitness and a convenient date Note: A wetsuit, life jacket and footwear are required. We provide the harness and the water!
Have a go Try out an R Class We can only offer rides in New Zealand, our season runs over the NZ summer, October through to March. We cannot guarantee a ride and we reserve the right to withdraw our offer for safety, availability or other reasons. Full Name E-Mail Sailing Experience None Trailer Yacht/Keeler Single handed dinghy Double handed dinghy Catamaran Skiff Location We can arrange rides in Christchurch Wellington Auckland Otago Comments Please give us some idea of your experience, general fitness and a convenient date Note: A wetsuit, life jacket and footwear are required. We provide the harness and the water!